Friday, December 17, 2010

City With Best Skate Laws

Beulin Xavier at the head of the FNSEA

yesterday elected to the Presidency of the FNSEA by members of the Board, Xavier Beulin, cereal Loiret, succeeds Jean-Michel Lemetayer.

Stakeholder FNSEA office since 2005, as Vice-President, He was in charge of international issues. His election marks a turning point: it is the first time a grain became president of the first French farmers' union.

"Straighten the competitiveness of French agriculture"
With a keen sense of the economy and an intelligence field, Xavier is Beulin goals following a priority for the farming community facing the opening of markets:
- Gain competitive
- Reclaiming fair share of value added
- Promoting investment and modernization of farms

" We can not accept to be treated as common as suppliers of raw materials and adjustment variables in terms of price, "emphasizes Xavier Beulin.

Pending confirmation of mandates in the next Congress FNSEA in March, the management team alongside Xavier Beulin is as follows:
- Dominique Barrau: Secretary-General and the No. 2 FNSEA
- Jean-Bernard Bernard Secretary General
- Christiane Lambert, first vice-president

Xavier is Beulin farmer near Orleans society in the Loiret on a farm grain and oilseed. Aged 52, he has many responsibilities in professional organizations and agribusiness. Before his election to the FNSEA, Xavier Beulin announced he would forgo most of its responsibilities, except Sofiproteol. An example he says " to implement, with other partners, our ambitions .

Monday, December 6, 2010

Why Do Some People Have Yellow Eyes

Jean-Michel Lemetayer open book" Confessions of a peasant leader "

It took six months of work to review the ten-year tenure of Jean-Michel Lemetayer at the head of the first agricultural union.
This collection of talks between the union leader and journalist Thiebault Dromard paints a portrait of the public combined with an intimate approach: vision of agriculture in society, union commitment, personal anecdotes ... Far taboos and platitudes, the head of the FNSEA engages in open heart ...

3 questions Thiebault Dromard
journalist with the weekly Challenges and author of "Confessions of a peasant leader"

1. What prompted you to write about Jean-Michel Lemetayer, president of the FNSEA?
Thiebault Dromard. -
is an idea of the editor, Bertrand Gobin, who knew Jean-Michel Lemetayer and asked me to do. As a former journalist for Le Figaro under farm, I admit that this I liked the project from the outset, it seemed timely and in line with the end of the mandate of Jean-Michel Lemetayer as president of the FNSEA. It was the perfect opportunity to take stock with him and develop certain social issues still outstanding. I think of Europe, GMOs, bio ... Through a collection of interviews organized by subject and enriched with insights on technical issues but accessible, this book provides elements of understanding on agricultural issues.

2. How was your meeting? What have you discovered?
TB - We met a dozen times, from May to November. The relationship of trust has been slow to start, but another climate more conducive to trade and confidence, moved us this summer when I visited his home in Britain. Often caught in the heat of action, between Matignon, the Elysee Palace and the offices of the FNSEA, Jean-Michel Lemetayer has failed so far none of our appointment. Any questions, even the most controversial, complicated and personal issues were discussed during our interviews. No taboo or waffle. I discovered a "modest" yes, but passionate.

3. What do you expect the publication of this book?
TB -
I hope readers will discover a more intimate portrait of Jean-Michel Lemetayer and a more balanced view of agriculture, far from the usual clichés. The target audience? Anyone who is interested directly or indirectly to agriculture. It can be very "urban" and show an interest in that world. Farmers also find their behalf, because the book covers all major issues of their profession.

For more information:

"Confessions of a peasant leader"

200 pages / 18 euros

Editions Bertrand Gobin

9 rue Madame du Campfranc - 35000 Rennes

Available in bookstores or by mail at:

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Yellow Mucus Discharge 37 Weeks Preg

A new fuel for farmers?

Farmers will soon be forced to use a new fuel instead of ordinary domestic fuel (heating oil). An order is being prepared to provide the implementation of non-road diesel.

Defined in Directive 2009/30/EC, these new measures are foreseen by the European Union to meet environmental requirements, particularly with respect to emissions of greenhouse gas emissions.
From 1 January next year, diesel used for agricultural machinery will have a low sulfur (< à 10 mg/kg), équivalant au diesel routier utilisé pour les voitures et les camions, mais avec l’ajout d’un colorant marqueur pour défiscalisation en vue d’une utilisation spécifique agricole.

What consequences for farmers?
The specifications of this new fuel, which are aligned with those of diesel fuel , will cause significant limitations for operators:
- The management of two different fuels
- Maintenance of tanks (cleaning, storage, etc.).
- Acquisition of new equipment (Logistics, etc.).

FNSEA remains vigilant
In a recent letter to the Prime Minister, FNSEA expressed his concerns regarding the constraints that are likely to weigh on farmers. " We deplore the absence of official information both on the regulatory front that technically ," writes Jean-Michel Lemetayer, president of the FNSEA. In addition, the union wants a transition period long enough for all agricultural machinery, not just tractors. This period should allow farmers to equip themselves properly while avoiding price shock suppliers. FNSEA request that non-road diesel fuel for agricultural machinery has the same reduction of ICT as that granted in previous years ... FOD

find some background info on the site of the FNSEA

Friday, November 5, 2010

Wat Southpark En Francais

beef cattle breeders ready to tug-of-iron!

FNSEA, JA and FNB have decided to launch shortly blocking actions targeted 10 sites for a fair return for producers. The farmers are determined and ready to go all the way to save their income and activity, but also to maintain employment and territories involved in maintaining their production.

For more than two months, farmers have stepped up actions to express their distress and request a price increase. Their only objective is to regain profitability in the light of rising production costs that strangles farms.

Nothing happens, both in the industrial sector at the government level.

Applications Breeders:

- fair compensation for production . The producer price must increase, while the market situation shows positive indicators (consumption, export). The current discourse on the need of manufacturers to lower prices again is unacceptable to farmers. They must live their activities and to balance the rising costs of production.

- a "new deal" in the pipeline based on equitable, transparent and sustainable (machine sorting, reviewing prices for a reliable price indicators, highlighting the local production, ...).

Farmers are appealing to key industry leaders who must take responsibility.

FNSEA, JA and FNB decided to return to the showdown with a new phase of industrial action following those involved for over two months now. The major manufacturers in the industry are the target from November 7 to Sunday evening.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Nike Model # 56323 Jacket

Agreement Novelli / Retail: FNSEA "at the margin"

Hervé Novelli, Secretary of State for Consumer Affairs, met yesterday, October 5 in Paris, representatives of major retailers to sign a charter " commitments on trade relations . The agreement covers three points: a distributor should not ask the supplier for a guaranteed margin which may be the sales and can not make a profit on storage costs incurred by the supplier, the latter will have a right to look at penalties.

FNSEA is shocked to find that " on such a subject, representatives of the agricultural sector, uninvited, and are placed at the margin . Even
side response from the National Association of Food Industries (Ania), which considers this unilateral approach as "a fool's game .

" promises only bind those who believe. Without penalties or additional constraints, what respect can we expect these commitments? There were so many missed opportunities and unnecessary "says FNSEA. The union reiterates " his request for review of the current situation with extensive expertise in the LME " and demanded "that State plays its role of arbitration and control and that the rules are finally applied " .

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Always Have Stomach Cramps

Unions / Interprofessions: Jean-Michel Lemetayer

In a letter to the directors of specialized federations and organizations, Jean-Michel Lemetayer, president of the FNSEA, talks about the sacking of the FNSEA booth at SPACE, and explains his position vis- -vis minority organizations, particularly with regard to inter.

****************************************** *******************

Paris, September 21, 2010

A Distinguished Administrators
A Distinguished Presidents FDSEA / UDSEA / FRSEA / Specialized Associations

Madam Speaker, Mr. President,

" Violence and consultation do not mix. long time I thought that the attacks were part of the personal office of President of the FNSEA. Our ambition for the agricultural world can not be shared by all, they therefore do not require reaction on my part.

Today it is different. After the sacking of the stand of the FNSEA and the Young Farmers SPACE (Salon livestock) by the Confederation Paysanne, the Coordination Rurale Apli and I decided to respond to the gravity of the situation and the need one about truth.

Firstly, I would say at my despair and my depression before the outburst of verbal and physical violence against property, but mostly people who were on the stand of the FNSEA. This desire to destroy is contrary to all my convictions, my principles to all industrial action. Violence is synonymous with denial. I want to tell all the farmers, the destruction will not lead to union victory! Moreover, FNSEA continued in recent years to claim and express instructions with respect to regular goods and people.

And more so, when violence occurs in against another employee organization. Have we seen the stand of the CGT CFDT or looted by officials of SUD?

FNSEA was born from the desire to build an agricultural organization that could speak to government with one voice on behalf of all farmers. This may now seem utopian, but that is its foundation and I keep a deep commitment to this original intention, only construction that can take into account the expectations of the agricultural world.

In this spirit, the priority has always been to within our union dialogue between farmers of all regions and all productions. The organization I am committed to defend, with branches and territories, is evidence of this internal dialogue box.

I adopt this principle, because I think it is a force that helped to advance the lives of farmers over the past 60 years.
I am faithful because I am convinced that the proliferation of voice and creates a cacophony cacophony that engenders inaction.

Some in the past have chosen to leave because they were minority FNSEA (it's a risk when you're in a place of democracy and dialogue) and create their own organizations. I do not disagree, I respect the trade union pluralism and it is applied in all public bodies.

Today, those who choose to make their voices heard outside trying to convince their members that their troubles are rooted in the very existence of the FNSEA. It's pathetic.

For many years, we have become accustomed to being attacked by the press, for slander ... Minority unions have sued, challenged the tools created by the peasants attacked the State Council the creation of inter and requests for extension of decision: they have always lost, including before the High Authority.

This, I would not say it, disclose it because I've never been a goal of wanting to belittle and despise some peasant whether based on personal choices, political, union, according to Ways and means.

But it is a fact and before all those failures, instead of drawing lessons, there are no more than violence to try to force things.

And what is more, all this is hiding the truth, manipulating the facts. In fact, we never closed the door to dialogue. Even in the highly sensitive issue of the representation of producers within the inter-dairy. We are ready, as has been said Brichart Henry, President of the NPFL, to exchange with other unions representing parallel interprofessional discussions.

The inter framed in terms of their creation and operation by law, are instances of private law in which representatives of major industry segments (from production to marketing) try to find agreements to develop, promote, develop agricultural production and food for them.

For its part, the FNSEA is a member of any inter Why the Peasant Confederation or the Rural Coordination would they be? These constructions sector why after agreements between the parties, the Government (Ministries of Agriculture and Finance) examine the representativeness of all stakeholders (producers, processors, trade) before the recognition of an inter. Therefore, by law, this decision may be challenged, and this has been done and confirmed the decisions!

Nothing prevents our country whatsoever, representatives of producers, processors and other actors to make an association, to seek recognition as inter. It is a wealth of our political democracy, economic and social.

So that minority shareholders have to take charge, act, and instead of offering only, by law, their wish that their permanent place of protesters is ensured without additional consideration of work, decision responsibility.

Moreover, the Confederation Paysanne has demonstrated its operation when it participates in the work of law-making bodies: it is the HCB (High Council for Biotechnology). This body, after appraisals, work and votes has given permission to continue GMO testing on the vine to combat fanleaf. Not satisfied that "the" decision is not "his" decision, the Confederation Paysanne sacked then these tests. Need we say more? Otherwise the liability is not a variable adjustment!

Not really, violence and dialogue does not rhyme and do not mix.

Future Farmers deserve better than street fighting and destruction in the name of the promotion of such or such organizations.

In a constructive spirit FNSEA has always defended and will continue to defend the farmers. Never in their hiding the truth or making them a glimpse of mirrors. It is a responsibility. This is not the easy road, but it is with pride and honesty that we borrow each day to fight in the interests of all farmers.

Assuring you of my determination and my dedication, please accept, Madam Speaker, Mr. President, the assurances of my best . "


Friday, September 10, 2010

A Married Scorpio Flirt

explanation of farmers' pensions: further

FNSEA positively welcomes the announcement by the President of the Republic of a larger scheme for hardship to farmers.
It seems very ironic that farmers are excluded even though they are exposed to harsh working conditions and their notoriously debilitating consequences.

Yet FNSEA regrets the lack of positions on the calculation of pensions for farmers. FNSEA wants a reconciliation of the rules of the farm with the rules of the general scheme, a calculation of the 25 best years.

For pensions agricultural, the union expects a concrete realization of revaluations announced by the Government last June.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Corporate Buzz Words Phrases

International Competition Quintet "Henri Tomasi" Henri Tomasi

Friday, September 3, 2010

Jockstrap For Junior High Student

expectations ... "Out of the logic of the lowest price"

After tensions have arisen in the dairy sector this summer, other agricultural sectors are immersed in an extremely difficult situation. What solutions are proposed to support the income productions in the most trouble? Jean-Michel Lemetayer an update on a farm back in charge.
Extracts of interview with Jean-Michel Lemetayer for Le Figaro Economie - 01/09/2010
Interview by Eric de la Chesnais
"Agricultural Modernization Law (AML), milk prices, rising grain, not to mention the drought. To mark the start of the FNSEA, its president, Jean-Michel Lemetayer discusses the issues that marked the summer.
Le Figaro - How do you approach this autumn?
Jean-Michel Lemetayer - The agricultural situation, although some market indicators are better than last year, remains difficult. I think of the dairy farmers or those pork or veal. They are doubly penalized. Not only do they act in a highly degraded, but they also face the drought has pushed up the cost of animal feed.
How redress the balance?
All economic actors, be they processors or distributors must understand that there can have a sustainable future for French agriculture without paying a price level for the producer. How do you want the French producer of hogs so if it sells below its cost price? It is illusory to think that the market will solve everything. The distribution must accept increases. This was the case after the agreement reached on August 18 that upgrades the price of milk for the farmer. We must abandon the logic of the lowest price. It destroys value added and the peasants.
AML can it be an early response in France?
The contracts provided for in the Agricultural Modernization Law (AML), adopted in July must be done sector by sector. We are currently working with the food industry. The inter should take, too, their responsibility, as this summer, in the melon. As the minister, he must now implement its proposals for cluster development in a specific line. [...]"

Friday, August 13, 2010

Tie Converse Double Laces

Milk: producers remain cautious and mobilized

The negotiations between producers and dairy industry on milk prices for the third quarter of 2010 rose on August 12, but the final outcome remains suspended for holding a meeting of the inter coming days.

By delegation, the three professional organizations (FNSEA, JA and NPFL) met on August 12, from 11am, and the premises of their headquarters, the leaders of five leading dairy processing , cooperative groups Sodiaal (Yoplait) and milk, and private industrial Lactalis (President Camembert), Bongrain (Caprice of the Gods) and Bel (Laughing Cow).
The ultimatum issued to industry on August 4 had expired and, as promised, the producers came to "hold accountable" and the application of the Agreement of June 3, 2009, in which processors must agree to a price increase 31.10 euros by 1000 liters in the third quarter of 2010.

Late afternoon, the private industrial commitment to respect the agreement of June 3, the first group Bel accepting an increase of nearly 10% of milk prices in 2010 compared to 2009, and pay 330 euros milk liters in July 1000. An ad that has weighed heavily on the observed movements then in other processors.
Gathered in the National Federation of Dairy Industries (FNIL), private groups have called a little later to "a speedy resumption of negotiations within the framework of inter-agreement of 3 June."

FNSEA, JA and FNPL are satisfied with the results "obtained by firm pressure on the ground" but remain cautious: "We expect next week's meeting," emphasized Dominique Barrau. The next meeting will "Will conclude the annual prize 2010" and "taking into account the competitiveness indicator with Germany" but also "working on the problem of farmers' production costs and the volumes to be production ".

continued ...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jennifer Love Hewitt Wearing Nike

"Tour ever": the contest FNSEA the Tour de France 2010

This year, the FNSEA and the Tour de France continue their partnership and build on this great sporting challenge to communicate the many facets of French agriculture and its players.

Like the poster of the 2010 Tour, FNSEA suggests FDSEA located on the Tour de France to produce maps in the field, showing inside the theme " the farm to fork . Step by step, farmers are taking up the challenge to imagine and design the most beautiful map of France, highlighting the practices and local products.
A total of 12 maps of France will be represented in fields close to the riders, like a wink of French farmers to viewers in 180 countries.

find on the website of the FNSEA all information related to the Tour de France:

Friday, July 9, 2010

Panasonic Plasma Directv Programing

CAP 2013: FNSEA for an ambitious, effective and regulatory

Following its board decentralized and after extensive discussion with its members, FNSEA reaffirms its commitment to set an ambitious post-2013 CAP, and efficient regulatory tools in its development implemented.

The union believes that the 2 following prerequisites are required:
1. Community preference (video) that values the European standards (health, social and environmental);
2. A CAP budget maintained (video) at least at its current level to ensure food security, employment and land management and natural resources.

Under these conditions, FNSEA proposes to introduce flexibility, flexibility and efficiency through:
- new regulatory tools in the face of volatile markets :
strengthening the market power of farmers (essential evolution of European competition law) and using a flexible response system which favors state regulation to prevent and manage crises;
- supports specific, limited and targeted :
to finance accompaniment of farmers and their productions (productions fragile, risk management tools, support for certain types of operations or productions);
- a second pillar for member countries to enhance the multifunctional aspect of their agriculture and encourage the renewal of generations (keeping the logic of co-financing).

Following the public consultation launched last April, the European Commission should make proposals this fall for the CAP after 2013, not only in agricultural policy but also the financial framework for EU policies.

For more information:


Site European Commission:

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Free Milena Velba Bus

Roby de la Motte: A farmer awareness about the oceans

" is not the man who goes to sea, c ' is the sea that makes the man ... ! At 54, Roby de la Motte, poultry farmer and navigator, decided to embark on a daunting challenge: the Vendee Globe! Between land and sea, this Breton bright-eyed wishes train all farmers in his wake.
" I would be the first farmer to participate in the most famous races alone and, through this project, convey and bring the values of the agricultural world, namely courage, humility and selflessness. [...] . It's everyday that Roby meets nature on his farm, which he dedicated to the poultry farm at Nostang (Morbihan).

Spotlight on a trade
Roby de la Motte has a huge capital sympathy, he does not go unnoticed and do not leave indifferent either. Sponsored by the Chamber of Agriculture of Brittany, is in an ecological and educational, he wants to bring the values of agriculture, rather battered lately. " It is important for me to break the bad image that still lingers on the peasantry! "says Roby de la Motte.

The adventure has just begun. Roby de la Motte is still looking for 2 million euros to fund his race and must win the qualifiers that are the Route du Rhum and the Transat Jacques Vabre.

See you in November 2012. We wish him good luck!

For more information:

Cape on the Vendée Globe Race
sport which is to circumnavigate the world in sail solo, nonstop and without assistance, the Vendee Globe is held every four years in November. Competitors rushed to the departure of Les Sables d'Olonne to return after their world tour by the 3 capes are Cape of Good Hope, Cape Leeuwin and Cape Horn. Founded in 1989, this test is one of the most famous and toughest in the world. It describes the "Everest of the seas."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Candida Glabrata Streptococcus Group B

the general public to biodiversity

Nearly 2 million visitors flocked to the Champs Elysees during Operation "Nature Capital." The opportunity to remind citizens the important role that agriculture plays in food, preserving our rural areas and biodiversity.
"Operation Seduction" to the general public market! Parisians, tourists and onlookers were at the rendezvous. Proof? A compact and curious crowd who was walking in the plots.

cabbage, banana, canola, sunflowers, pineapples, potatoes ... In total, more than 50 plant species were represented on a long journey colorful, stretching from the Arc de Triumph at the Rond-Point des Champs-Elysees.

Thus, the time for a weekend on the most beautiful avenue in the world, the citizen-citizen-consumer has been able to touch the fingertips the wealth of nature and the French territories ... A dramatic - but effective - to alert people about the decline of biodiversity!

2010 is the International Year of Biodiversity!

agricultural practices and natural environments are closely related and form of agro-ecological systems. Good management practices and improvements in agricultural environments promote biodiversity. Read " biodiversity in the farm "

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Over The Counter Benzo

Nature Capital: a natural and spontaneous to citizens and consumers!

3 questions Carole Dore, Vice-President of Young Farmers in charge of Nature Capital

What are the highlights of the event Capital Nature designed and directed by Gad Weil, the 23 and 24 May 2010?
Imagine a beautiful long avenue featuring "nature crafted by man," the roundabout of the Champs Elysees to the Arc de Triomphe is a tray of plants and animals of 3 hectares representing the diversity of agricultural production and Forest grown in France. In addition to pedestrian paths open to all, a regional market hosted by the Young Farmers from all regions of France will present the diversity of products and our culinary heritage! Expression stands for the general public will discuss food issues, territorial and environmental factors that affect us all. As such, original teaching materials will be distributed to visitors. Finally, many individuals will also visit us during these two days that we may already qualify as "extraordinary"!

In the context of agricultural crisis, which messages you want pass? It is well
for Young Farmers union, founding partner of the event, "the voice of agriculture", and this in the continuity of our know-how on rallies and events . In 2010, we begin discussions on the CAP 2013, so this is a pivotal year for the French and European agriculture. It is also the International Year of Biodiversity. While agriculture has returned to the spotlight, it's nice to see together what we want agriculture to tomorrow! Why our spokespersons Nature Capital to JA and the 600 young farmers who will be present throughout the weekend are ready to go and meet the media, politicians and the general public!

How do the final preparations?
Everyone is mobilized as never before! And we settle the final details of organization because JA is especially commissioned for the production of some 50 crops and tea animal that will be staged on the Champs Elysees. They are currently seven sites spread throughout France during the evening and night of May 22 pallets will be installed ... to the delight of Parisians who do not recognize their avenue Sunday, May 23 in the morning! Nearly 80% of our territory will be well represented "full size" on the most famous avenue in the world!

Vox Young Farmers: the reactions of the Paris event

Paris ... Champs-Elysees, "we said appointment in 20 years ..."

For more information, visit


major partner of the event: Credit Agricole

About Young Farmers:
Founded in 1957, Young Farmers is the only professional syndicate composed exclusively of young people aged under 35 (50 000 members divided into structures of thought and decentralized decision). Animated by a spirit of solidarity and togetherness, JA aims to defend the interests young farmers and promote access to farming for generational renewal in agriculture.

Monday, May 10, 2010

What Stores Sell Shrink Wrap

Ending distortions

income of farmers is the main fight union FNSEA. Beyond short-term measures designed to cope with difficulties, the priority is to end the distortion of competition within the community that are a handicap for agriculture and agri-food French.

How can we accept in a common market where goods, services and capital move freely, the constraints the farmers are different from one Member State to another?

The government must find ways to end these distortions of competition by systematically assessing the economic impacts of new regulations and by waiving the application of rules Franco-French who have a direct impact on production costs. Otherwise, the competitive disadvantage should be compensated.
Thus, in the social sphere, FNSEA demand implementation of a job subsidy that reduces the gap between labor costs in France and the rest of the European Union.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Pregnant And Birth Games

'Open Farm' introduces students to agriculture

The "Open Farms" are organized annually by the FNSEA, and aim to introduce elementary students to life on a farm. Established for over 20 years, this transaction represents an ideal time to learn about farms, rural life and farming.

What happens?
During a half day at school, students CM1-CM2 are welcomed by volunteer farmers, motivated, who are happy to present the history of their farm, their products, employees, tools, ...
educational animations are organized around tastings, workshops, etc.. to generate interest and participation of children.

A growing success
A network of faithful men and women farmers has been woven over the years, farmers and teachers are partners in this educational approach to understand the young and larger role the peasant world in the preservation of landscapes and biodiversity, and provide a reflection on civic behavior and food consumption.

week officially Open Farms will be held from 3 to 7 May 2010

Learn more about:

Monday, April 19, 2010

How To Takeaway Period Pane

Event: tractors in Paris

next Tuesday, April 27, thousands of tractors and farmers converge in the heart of Paris to denounce the bad year that threatens the sector "crop."

Not less than fourteen FRSEA * are mobilized for this action: more than 1,000 tractors and about 5,000 protesters march in Parisian streets to alert the authorities about the worrying situation of producers in the sector of "field crops". Other production areas also affected by the deterioration in the markets will be present. FNSEA supports this mobilization.

claims range from improving the management of agricultural markets, with accompanying measures for operations, reduction of regulatory constraints through the reduction of charges.

The convoy is scheduled for 7 kms along the axis Republic Bastille-Nation-Nation. It begins at 10:30 at the Place de la Nation and will end around 14:30. The parade will be punctuated by a rally at around 13:00.

>> Discover the story proposed by the Earth-net Web TV: "En route to Paris "
Source: Terre-net Média - http:/ /

* Nord Pas-de-Calais, Upper and Lower Normandy, Picardy, Ile-de-France Pays de la Loire, Centre, Champagne-Ardenne , Lorraine, Burgundy, Franche-Comte, Poitou-Charentes, Rhone-Alpes, Midi-Pyrenees ...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Dick Wonderball Fraternity


Miss Serrell An article published on March 24, 2010 .

sound enclosures for graffiti. The graffiti

settled nicely in museums while the debate on a recovery of the pioneers of the bomb by the Establishment no longer interested person. And for good reason, the graffiti were mutated. If you missed the first wave because "not born", "not aware" or "not dare" it's time to catch up.

Since the 90s, post-graffiti stencils to the cheek as Banksy, mosaic as Space Invader, Shadow on the ground like Zeus and so on. Left to become graffiti does not play the post but neo. It's just so bright graffiti based fluorescent paint worth, both techniques are changing.

You can opt for a style graffiti reversible. It is to let her borrow and illustrations by cleaning, kasherisant, walls and tunnels of cities covered pollution. An activity practiced by people like Paul "Moose" Curtis and Alexandre Orion is subversive because apparently the police respond each time to clean up their graffiti ...

There is still time to join the guerrila Sonic through small distributors of music that sets across the city. On the basis of low tech hacks musical postcards and now a real SOUNDevice ™ technology . Inside: What store pieces of 21 to 340 seconds. It remains to magnetize at the eaves or behind the posts. Become graffiti sound!

stickers: Popdowners weapons. For neo

graffer, keep abreast of the latest techniques on the site of Graffiti Research Lab in New York. Documentation, experiences, everything is pooled as OpenSource. It is What part is the wave of graffiti Elecro-based light emitting diodes, LEDs attached to magnets or suction cups, thrown over a bridge or a roof to "sign" the night ...

An artistic intervention as the graffiti is political, it's about reclaiming public space, but you can go further by joining the Pop Down Project ! A movement against the visual pollution, which consists of stickers at once, the restoration of freedom you have on the Internet to close a pub window accidentally. A sticker with a cross and it left you're a "popdowners" as en existe plus de 700 à travers le monde...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How Long To Stretch Labia

Public debate on the future CAP

Via a video clip from Brussels, the European Commissioner for Agriculture, Ciolos, spoke on April 1 at the Congress of the FNSEA.
opportunity for him to reaffirm his commitment to a CAP after 2013 focusing
"competitiveness, sustainability and transparency ',' three ingredients," which he said "will pave the future."

Here is the speech in its entirety:

first part

Part 2

With the same objective, and consistent with his statements, Ciolos recently launched on 12 April a public debate around the CAP in order to "find the foundations of a new legitimacy."
Europeans will have the opportunity to comment on the CAP of tomorrow until June 3, via a website:

A conference will be held in July to take stock of this debate designed to prepare large agricultural and budgetary deadlines to come.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fast Does Temazepam Work


Activists take control of the big screen in Manchester.

< arttacks

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Walk Thoughtwalls Onpokemonsoul Silver

6th International Woodwind Quintet Competition

6th Henri Tomasi International Woodwind Quintet Competition
February 21 - 26th, 2011 in Marseilles (France)
Held by the French Institute for Woodwind Quintet

With the help of the City of Music from Marseilles


Président of the jury :
David WALTER (Oboe) - France, Moragues Quintet,
Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris (CNSM)

Henning TROG (Bassoon) - Germany

Jacob BOKUN (Clarinet) - Poland

Nicolas DOSA (Horn) - Romania

Julien BEAUDIMENT (Flûte) - France


  • The competitors average age s hould not exceed 35 years and each candidate must imperatively have been born after December 31st, 1970.
  • Registration is open up to 12/31/2010 (date postponed to 14.01.2011 due to computer problems)
  • The registration fee is 250 euros per quintet
  • The presentation of original scores is compulsory (Use of photocopies is strictly prohibited).
  • Prior agreement between the interpreters, the SPEDIDAM and the organizers is required before any performance recordings or recordings of the Prize Winners concert.
  • The competition is public.
  • Jury's decisions are final.
  • Three prizes will be awarded for a total amount estimated to 12000 euros *.
  • he prize winners will be committed for the Woodwind quintet International Biennale by The Institut Francais des Instruments à Vent..

    To assist you, as well as possible in your stay organisation, we can address you, on request, the list of the hotels able to accommodate you at the best conditions.

    Others hosting possibilities exist with the help of the "Association des Parents d’ Elèves du Conservatoire National de Région de Marseille".

    * Provided that we obtain the right subsidies.


  • Send by mail or e-mail ( preferred ), before 12/31/2010 :
    - Quintet name
    - First name, Last Name, Birthday, Instrument and Nationality of the 5 participants
    - Last Name of the Quintet representative (with phone number and e-mail - mandatory )

  • Pay the registration fee : 250€ par quintette
    (by bank check in euros or money order to the IFIV account - see details below )
    Bank Code : 15899 Counter Code : 07944 Account N° : 00020214901 clé RIB : 66
    IBAN: FR76 1589 9079 4400 0202 1490 166 BIC : CMCIFR2A Bank address CCM Marseille Vieux Port Carnot

    You will receive an acknowledgment of your registration by e-mail send to the Quintet representative.


Fist Round:

  • One Of The Following Piece :

    WA Mozart: Serenade KV 375 in E flat Major, Editions Billaudot

    WA Mozart: Serenade in C minor KV 388, Editions David Walter ( @ )

    . Ludwig van Beethoven: Quintet in E flat major (from Octet op.103) Editions Billaudot

    . Franz Danzi: Quintet in a choice of the 9 op. 56, 67 and 68, Publishers various

    . Anton Reicha: Quintet in a choice among 24 of the op. 88, 91, 99 and 100, various publishers

  • One Of The Following:

    Edvard Grieg: Norwegian Dances, Editions Billaudot

    . Marko Tajcevic: Seven Balkan Dances, Editions David Walter

    . Ferenc Farkas: Hungarian Dances, 17 th Century, Musica Budapest Editions

Second round:

  • Thierry Escaich : Three Moments Runaways Editions Billaudot

  • One Of The followings :

    Darius Milhaud: The Chimney of King Rene op.205, Editions Leduc or Southern or Andraud

    . Heitor Villa-Lobos: Choros Quintet shaped, Editions Max Eschig

    . Samuel Barber: Summer Music op.31, Editions Schirmer

    . György Ligeti: Six Bagatelles, Schott Editions

    . Paul Hindemith: Kleine Kammermusik, op.24n 2, Schott Editions

    . Marc Dufrenne: Three Pieces for Quintet, Editions Notissimo (Leduc)

    . Jean Francaix: Quintet No. 1, Schott Editions

Third roiund:

  • Henri Tomasi, Cinq Danses sacred and profane e s e , Editions Leduc
  • One Of The Following:

    . Anton Dvorak: Quintet in F Major (s
    after the string quartet op.96 said "American"), Editions Billaudot

    . Felix Mendelssohn: Quintet in E flat major (from Quartet Op.12 No. 1), Editions Billaudot

    . Felix Mendelssohn: Quinte
    head in A Major (from the Quartet op.13 No. 2), David Walter Editions

What Does Low Open Cervix Mean

6th International Competition "Henri Tomasi"

FROM 21 TO 26/02/2011 FOR TRAINING "Woodwind Quintet"



David Walter (oboe) - France
Henning TROG (Bassoon) - Germany
Jacub Bokun (Clarinet) - Poland
Nicolas DOSA (Cor) - Romania
Julien Beaud (Flute) - France
  • Registration is open until 31/12/2010 (date postponed to 14.1.2011 due to computer problems)
  • The average age of the musicians should not exceed 35 years
    ( and all musicians must be born after 31/12/1970 )
  • Registration fees are € 250 per quintet
  • The presentation of original music is required (the use of photocopies is strictly prohibited).
  • Any registration events or the winners concert will be arranged in advance with performers, SPEDIDAM and organizer.
  • The competition tests are public.
  • The jury's decisions are final.
  • Three prizes will be awarded for a total value estimated at 12,000 euros *.
  • Winners will be hired at a Biennial International Woodwind Quintet organized by the French Institute for Wind Instruments.

    To help you organize your stay in Marseille, we can send you, upon request, a list of hotels that can accommodate you.

    Other types of accommodation you will also be offered in collaboration with the Association of Parents of Students at the Conservatoire National de Region in Marseille.

    * Subject to obtaining the necessary grants.
  • Submit by mail or e-mail before 31/12/2010:
    - the name of the quintet
    - the full name, birth date, instrument and nationality of 5 participants
    - the name of representative of the quintet (with his phone and his e-mail - essential )

  • Set fee of € 250 per quintet
    ( by check in Euros or by transfer account IFIV )
    Bank Code: 15899 Branch code: 07944 Account number: 00020214901 RIB key: 66
    For International, IBAN: FR76 1589 9079 4400 0202 1490 166 BIC: CMCIFR2A Domiciliation CCM Marseille Vieux Port Carnot

    You will receive a confirmation of your registration by e-mail addressed to the representative of quintet.
1 st round :
  • A œ works to the choice among the following :

    WA Mozart: Serenade KV 375 in E flat Major, Editions Billaudot

    WA Mozart: Serenade in C minor KV 388, Editions David Walter ( @ )

    . Ludwig van Beethoven: Quintet in E flat major (from Octet op.103) Editions Billaudot

    . Franz Danzi: Quintet in a choice of the 9 op. 56, 67 and 68, various publishers

    . Anton Reicha: Quintet in a choice among 24 of the op. 88, 91, 99 and 100, various publishers
  • a œ WORKING among three works to choose from:

    Edvard Grieg: Norwegian Dances, Editions Billaudot

    . Marko Tajcevic: Seven Balkan Dances, Editions David Walter

    . Ferenc Farkas: Hungarian Dances, 17 th Century, Musica Budapest Editions
2nd round:
  • Thierry Escaich : Three Moments Runaways Editions Billaudot
  • a œ WORKING among seven works to choose from:

    Darius Milhaud: The Chimney of King Rene op.205, Editions Leduc or Southern or Andraud

    . Heitor Villa-Lobos: Choros Quintet shaped, Editions Max Eschig

    . Samuel Barber: Summer Music op.31, Editions Schirmer

    . György Ligeti: Six Bagatelles, Schott Editions

    . Paul Hindemith: Kleine Kammermusik, op.24n 2, Schott Editions

    . Marc Dufrenne: Three Pieces for Quintet, Editions Notissimo (Leduc)

    . Jean Francaix: Quintet No. 1, Schott Editions
3 rd round :
  • Henri Tomasi, Cinq Danses sacred and profane e s e , Editions Leduc
  • A œ WORKING choice among three works:

    . Anton Dvorak: Quintet in F Major (s
    after the string quartet op.96 said "American"), Editions Billaudot

    . Felix Mendelssohn: Quintet in E flat major (from Quartet Op.12 No.1) Editions Billaudot

    . Felix Mendelssohn: Quinte
    head in A Major (from the Quartet op.13 No. 2), David Walter Editions

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Can Paracetamol Kill My Dog?

History Contest Henri Tomasi

  • Marc Vallon - BASSOON - President Jury 2009 - UW-Madison University USA
  • Jane BOOTH - CLARINET Britain
  • Laszlo Hadady - OBOE-Ensemble Intercontemporain CNSMDParis Hungary
  • Michael Molinaro - COR Lyon Conservatoire, Orchestre National de Lyon France
  • LETHIEC Michel (Foreman, clarinet, France)
  • CAMPO Regis (composer, France)
  • COLOMBO Carlo (bassoon, Italy / France)
  • Michel Garcin-Marrou (horn, France) MICHAUD
  • Hervé (oboe, Spain / France)
COMPETITION JURY third in 2005
  • KASPAR Olivier (Foreman, composer and conductor, France)
  • BOISSIERE Jean Marc (flute, France)
  • COLOMBO Carlo (bassoon , France)
  • DAL BELLO-Emile (French horn, France) Manfred
  • Stilz (cello, France / Germany)
  • KASPAR Olivier (Foreman, composer and conductor, France)
COMPETITION JURY second in 2003
  • MORAGUES Pierre (Foreman, horn, France)
  • ADAMOPOULOS (alto, France )
  • CHARPENTIER Jacques (composer, France)
  • Montacer Jean-Claude (bassoon, France)
  • Nielandt Luk (oboe, Belgium)
  • Vicens Prats (flute, Spain)
  • Verdier Jean-François (clarinet, France)
COMPETITION JURY first in 2001
  • PIQUEMAL Michel (Foreman, baritone and conductor, France) Claude
  • TOMASI (Honorary President, dedicatee of the work of Henri Tomasi)
  • DEMIGNÉJean Michael (flute, France) FOURNIER
  • Andrée (French horn, France)
  • GALLICIAN George (music critic, France)
  • GUERINEL Lucien (composer, France)
  • KRASSAVINE Sergei (bassoon, Russia)
  • McManama Jens (horn, USA)
  • WALTER David (oboe, France)

Show Regulation