Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Always Have Stomach Cramps

Unions / Interprofessions: Jean-Michel Lemetayer

In a letter to the directors of specialized federations and organizations, Jean-Michel Lemetayer, president of the FNSEA, talks about the sacking of the FNSEA booth at SPACE, and explains his position vis- -vis minority organizations, particularly with regard to inter.

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Paris, September 21, 2010

A Distinguished Administrators
A Distinguished Presidents FDSEA / UDSEA / FRSEA / Specialized Associations

Madam Speaker, Mr. President,

" Violence and consultation do not mix. long time I thought that the attacks were part of the personal office of President of the FNSEA. Our ambition for the agricultural world can not be shared by all, they therefore do not require reaction on my part.

Today it is different. After the sacking of the stand of the FNSEA and the Young Farmers SPACE (Salon livestock) by the Confederation Paysanne, the Coordination Rurale Apli and I decided to respond to the gravity of the situation and the need one about truth.

Firstly, I would say at my despair and my depression before the outburst of verbal and physical violence against property, but mostly people who were on the stand of the FNSEA. This desire to destroy is contrary to all my convictions, my principles to all industrial action. Violence is synonymous with denial. I want to tell all the farmers, the destruction will not lead to union victory! Moreover, FNSEA continued in recent years to claim and express instructions with respect to regular goods and people.

And more so, when violence occurs in against another employee organization. Have we seen the stand of the CGT CFDT or looted by officials of SUD?

FNSEA was born from the desire to build an agricultural organization that could speak to government with one voice on behalf of all farmers. This may now seem utopian, but that is its foundation and I keep a deep commitment to this original intention, only construction that can take into account the expectations of the agricultural world.

In this spirit, the priority has always been to within our union dialogue between farmers of all regions and all productions. The organization I am committed to defend, with branches and territories, is evidence of this internal dialogue box.

I adopt this principle, because I think it is a force that helped to advance the lives of farmers over the past 60 years.
I am faithful because I am convinced that the proliferation of voice and creates a cacophony cacophony that engenders inaction.

Some in the past have chosen to leave because they were minority FNSEA (it's a risk when you're in a place of democracy and dialogue) and create their own organizations. I do not disagree, I respect the trade union pluralism and it is applied in all public bodies.

Today, those who choose to make their voices heard outside trying to convince their members that their troubles are rooted in the very existence of the FNSEA. It's pathetic.

For many years, we have become accustomed to being attacked by the press, for slander ... Minority unions have sued, challenged the tools created by the peasants attacked the State Council the creation of inter and requests for extension of decision: they have always lost, including before the High Authority.

This, I would not say it, disclose it because I've never been a goal of wanting to belittle and despise some peasant whether based on personal choices, political, union, according to Ways and means.

But it is a fact and before all those failures, instead of drawing lessons, there are no more than violence to try to force things.

And what is more, all this is hiding the truth, manipulating the facts. In fact, we never closed the door to dialogue. Even in the highly sensitive issue of the representation of producers within the inter-dairy. We are ready, as has been said Brichart Henry, President of the NPFL, to exchange with other unions representing parallel interprofessional discussions.

The inter framed in terms of their creation and operation by law, are instances of private law in which representatives of major industry segments (from production to marketing) try to find agreements to develop, promote, develop agricultural production and food for them.

For its part, the FNSEA is a member of any inter Why the Peasant Confederation or the Rural Coordination would they be? These constructions sector why after agreements between the parties, the Government (Ministries of Agriculture and Finance) examine the representativeness of all stakeholders (producers, processors, trade) before the recognition of an inter. Therefore, by law, this decision may be challenged, and this has been done and confirmed the decisions!

Nothing prevents our country whatsoever, representatives of producers, processors and other actors to make an association, to seek recognition as inter. It is a wealth of our political democracy, economic and social.

So that minority shareholders have to take charge, act, and instead of offering only, by law, their wish that their permanent place of protesters is ensured without additional consideration of work, decision responsibility.

Moreover, the Confederation Paysanne has demonstrated its operation when it participates in the work of law-making bodies: it is the HCB (High Council for Biotechnology). This body, after appraisals, work and votes has given permission to continue GMO testing on the vine to combat fanleaf. Not satisfied that "the" decision is not "his" decision, the Confederation Paysanne sacked then these tests. Need we say more? Otherwise the liability is not a variable adjustment!

Not really, violence and dialogue does not rhyme and do not mix.

Future Farmers deserve better than street fighting and destruction in the name of the promotion of such or such organizations.

In a constructive spirit FNSEA has always defended and will continue to defend the farmers. Never in their hiding the truth or making them a glimpse of mirrors. It is a responsibility. This is not the easy road, but it is with pride and honesty that we borrow each day to fight in the interests of all farmers.

Assuring you of my determination and my dedication, please accept, Madam Speaker, Mr. President, the assurances of my best . "


Friday, September 10, 2010

A Married Scorpio Flirt

explanation of farmers' pensions: further

FNSEA positively welcomes the announcement by the President of the Republic of a larger scheme for hardship to farmers.
It seems very ironic that farmers are excluded even though they are exposed to harsh working conditions and their notoriously debilitating consequences.

Yet FNSEA regrets the lack of positions on the calculation of pensions for farmers. FNSEA wants a reconciliation of the rules of the farm with the rules of the general scheme, a calculation of the 25 best years.

For pensions agricultural, the union expects a concrete realization of revaluations announced by the Government last June.


Thursday, September 9, 2010

Corporate Buzz Words Phrases

International Competition Quintet "Henri Tomasi" Henri Tomasi

Friday, September 3, 2010

Jockstrap For Junior High Student

expectations ... "Out of the logic of the lowest price"

After tensions have arisen in the dairy sector this summer, other agricultural sectors are immersed in an extremely difficult situation. What solutions are proposed to support the income productions in the most trouble? Jean-Michel Lemetayer an update on a farm back in charge.
Extracts of interview with Jean-Michel Lemetayer for Le Figaro Economie - 01/09/2010
Interview by Eric de la Chesnais
"Agricultural Modernization Law (AML), milk prices, rising grain, not to mention the drought. To mark the start of the FNSEA, its president, Jean-Michel Lemetayer discusses the issues that marked the summer.
Le Figaro - How do you approach this autumn?
Jean-Michel Lemetayer - The agricultural situation, although some market indicators are better than last year, remains difficult. I think of the dairy farmers or those pork or veal. They are doubly penalized. Not only do they act in a highly degraded, but they also face the drought has pushed up the cost of animal feed.
How redress the balance?
All economic actors, be they processors or distributors must understand that there can have a sustainable future for French agriculture without paying a price level for the producer. How do you want the French producer of hogs so if it sells below its cost price? It is illusory to think that the market will solve everything. The distribution must accept increases. This was the case after the agreement reached on August 18 that upgrades the price of milk for the farmer. We must abandon the logic of the lowest price. It destroys value added and the peasants.
AML can it be an early response in France?
The contracts provided for in the Agricultural Modernization Law (AML), adopted in July must be done sector by sector. We are currently working with the food industry. The inter should take, too, their responsibility, as this summer, in the melon. As the minister, he must now implement its proposals for cluster development in a specific line. [...]"