From 1 January next year, diesel used for agricultural machinery will have a low sulfur (< à 10 mg/kg), équivalant au diesel routier utilisé pour les voitures et les camions, mais avec l’ajout d’un colorant marqueur pour défiscalisation en vue d’une utilisation spécifique agricole.
The specifications of this new fuel, which are aligned with those of diesel fuel , will cause significant limitations for operators:
- The management of two different fuels
- Maintenance of tanks (cleaning, storage, etc.).
- Acquisition of new equipment (Logistics, etc.).
FNSEA remains vigilant
In a recent letter to the Prime Minister, FNSEA expressed his concerns regarding the constraints that are likely to weigh on farmers. " We deplore the absence of official information both on the regulatory front that technically ," writes Jean-Michel Lemetayer, president of the FNSEA. In addition, the union wants a transition period long enough for all agricultural machinery, not just tractors. This period should allow farmers to equip themselves properly while avoiding price shock suppliers. FNSEA request that non-road diesel fuel for agricultural machinery has the same reduction of ICT as that granted in previous years ... FOD