Sunday, January 27, 2008

4187 For The Schutzenschnur

Simone de Beauvoir - News Photos

PARIS, January 24, 2008 (AFP) - Nicolas Sarkozy will return to 'Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen, threatened with death by Islamists, the price Simone de Beauvoir, which was recently presented in Paris, said the association Ni putes ni soumises, Thursday in the press.
"The president expressed the hope that Taslima Nasreen coming soon" to Paris to receive the award he will present "itself," said Sihem Habchi, president of Ni putes ni soumises, at the end of an interview with the Head of State. According to Ms.
Habchi, "Taslima receive here is a message sent to all women who fight in the world for freedom and democracy in the heart of our neighborhoods, but also in Pakistan, Afghanistan and India" .
"There is not many in the world to fight against fundamentalism, against obscurantism of all kinds. Taslima should be helped as we can. It needed a strong message of France, a country of human rights, towards Taslima and the Indian government. Something that will be made in France, very quickly, "it welcomed.
The Bangladeshi writer, threatened with death by Islamists denounced the abandonment of which she is the victim and lack of support from India where she sought refuge in a forum Le Monde dated 11 January.
Taslima Nasreen has been awarded the Simone de Beauvoir prize at a recent symposium organized on the occasion 100th anniversary of the birth of Simone de Beauvoir (January 9) by Julia Kristeva, psychoanalyst, philosopher and writer.
Another militant anti-Islamist, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, former Dutch MP of Somali origin now in exile in the United States, also received this award in the same conference.
npk / swi / abx

AFP 241318 8 January


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