Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Bathtub Rubber Mats In Los Angeles Stores

Price "Simone de Beauvoir for women's freedom"

Price "Simone de Beauvoir for women's freedom"

Created to mark the 100 th anniversary of the birth of Simone de Beauvoir (1908-2008), the Prix "Simone de Beauvoir for women's freedom" proposes to reward exceptional work and action of women and men who, in the spirit of Simone de Beauvoir, helping to promote women's freedom in the world. Funded by Culture-France and Editions Gallimard, Prix Simone de Beauvoir for women's freedom "will be presented annually to the winner (s) elect (s) by an international jury.

- Remembering Simone de Beauvoir has opened a new stage in women's struggle for their emancipation: "One is not born woman: one becomes "; " How in the Status of Women, a human being can be accomplished? Us interesting opportunities to the individual, we do not define these opportunities in terms of happiness, but in terms of freedom "(The Second Sex )

- Considering that various obscurantisms continue to exploit the economic misery and political conflicts to oppress and persecute women in particular, and despite against the considerable progress achieved through the struggles of women, with and after Simone de Beauvoir;

- Inspired by the thought of the philosopher, writer, whose work still maintains hopes of many women who love freedom, and resistance to economic terrorism, political and religious in all its forms and on all continents: "The supreme end that man must aim is freedom, one can found the value end. Freedom is never given, but still to conquer. ( For moral ambiguity ). " We are free to transcend all transcendence, we can always escape" elsewhere ", but this also is still somewhere in our human condition we do ever échappons him and we have no way to consider outside to judge. It alone makes possible the floor. "(Pyrrhus and Cineas ) ;" There was no God to love me, but I would burn in millions of hearts. Nourished by writing a work of my story, I'll create myself anew and I would justify my existence ( Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter )

The jury awarded first prize "Simone de Beauvoir for women's freedom" to two women:

Ms. Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Born in Ethiopia in 1969, exiled in the Netherlands, Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a politician Dutch . Elected to Parliament in 2003 as a member of the Popular Party and the Liberal Democrats, has passed a bill severely punishing the practice of excision . She is the author many articles exposing the dangers of communalism , it considers an obstacle to integration, and calls for Islam in Europe a period of "Enlightenment " . Ayaan Hirsi Ali is often defined as a " Voltaire black " [] by reference to the French writer criticizing clericalism, both Christians and Muslims.

is under police protection she has published her book Zoontjesfabriek , translated into French under the title The Infidel , which has earned him numerous death threats because of his lucid criticism of gender relations in Islam. In calling for Islam in Europe "a period of Enlightenment," Ayaan Hirsi Ali appealed to the European democracies, whose aim should be to ensure the freedom of living and thinking of women, whatever their origin.

Among his works published in French, The rebellious (2005-2006) and Infidel (2006) vividly demonstrated by the struggle of a woman passionately committed to effective interaction between women of immigrant origin, particularly Muslims, and European society.


Ms. Taslima Nasreen

Born in Bangladesh in 1962, first doctor gynecologist practicing in a public hospital, then a writer, Taslima Nasreen is threatened by Islamic fundamentalists in the wake of the publication of her first novel Lajja (Shame) , denouncing oppression in which the community lives Hindu in Bangladesh. The quality of his work brought him to be catapulted to the forefront of the literary scene Progressive to Bangladesh and India . She received prestigious awards including the Award Saharov for freedom of thought ", awarded by Parliament in 1994, when fundamentalists burned his books and claim his hanging. Taslima Nasreen was forced into exile in Sweden, then in Berlin, Stockholm, New York, and finally to Kolkata in Bengal, where she tries to get Indian citizenship. His life has been priced by an Islamist group in India, it is currently protected by the Indian government. His books translated into French: Shame (1994), Places and non-places of the imagination (1994), Women, please come! (1994), Another Life: Poems (1995), A returning: followed Scenes wedding stories (1995), Alternative, followed A woman's fate: stories (1997), Childhood, feminine (1998), Women: Poems of Love and Combat (2002), and wind gusts, narrative (2003 ) confirm talent and determination committed humanist with a woman for whom freedom is, as Simone de Beauvoir wrote, end and means always win. "

By recognizing and rewarding the boldness and originality of thought as reflected in the work and the work of Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Taslima Nasreen, in the fight for freedom of conscience and expression, the jury of the Prix Simone de Beauvoir for women's freedom intended to help mobilize international solidarity, to reaffirm the right of women , the protection of those who fight today to risk their lives, and defend with them the ideals of equality and peace.

For the International Jury Prize "Simone de Beauvoir for women's freedom "

The Chair: Julia Kristeva

The Honorary Chair: Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir

Jury Members:

Ingrid Betancourt (Honorary Member)

Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir

Julia Kristeva Professor Université Paris Diderot Writer and psychoanalyst

Claude Lanzmann Director of the journal Les Temps Modernes

Kate Millett writer, painter and sculptor

Elisabeth Badinter Philosopher

Anne Zelensky President of the League of women's right

Claire Etcherelli Writer

Daniele Sallenave Writer

Yolanda Patterson President of Simone de Beauvoir Society

Lilane Kandel Sociologist

Bjorn Larsson writer, professor at the University of Lund, Sweden

Josyane Savigneau Journalist at World

Annie Ernaux Writer

Annie Sugier President of the International League of women's right

Elizabeth Fallaize Professor St John's College, Oxford

Ayse Kiran Doctor Haceteppe University, Ankara, Turkey

Linda Weil-Curiel Lawyer

Anne-Marie Lizin Senator, Vice-President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, and Chair of Women's Council Wallonia

Michel Kail Director of the magazine Man and Society

Gérard Bonal Writer

Annette Levy-Willard Journalist and writer Liberation

Alice Schwarzer , Writer

Madeleine Gobeil-Noel Former Director of Arts at the Unesco

Yvette Roudy, Minister for Women's Rights May 1981-1986


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